The Hills Sports High School

Strive for success

Telephone02 9622 7300

Message From the Principal

Welcome to The Hills Sports High School. Located in Seven Hills NSW, our school has a strong and long-standing tradition of high standards in both academic and sporting pursuits. The school is considered as one of the leading sports high schools in Australia and continues to attract students within the local community, as well as beyond, including overseas. We are one of the seven schools within the NSW Sports High School Association and proudly stand with our partner sporting high schools in fostering talent and success. 

The Hills Sports High School offers a broad and rich academic program enabling students to explore their passions, as well as prepare themselves for further academic study, apprenticeships, and the workforce. Our scope of academic study enables students to balance their academic, sporting, and other extra-curricular commitments, as well as engage in flexible delivery whereby being able to fulfil both Record of School Achievement (RoSa)and the Higher School Certificate (HSC). Our students excel in their chosen pathway, enabling them to access both high-quality teaching and learning, as well as coaching in their given sport. We facilitate TAFE and Vocational Educational courses including hospitality so that our students are exposed to a variety of opportunities and experiences. We value academic achievement, hence, also offer an approved HSC pathways program to support our elite sports students in both their sporting and academic commitments. 

High Potential and Gifted Education (HPGE) is at the forefront of The Hills Sports High School, with classes in Year 7 & 8 offering students the opportunity to join our ‘self-select’ classes. This supports our academic enrichment and extension strategies and enables highly motivated students with the opportunity to further excel. 

The Talented Sports Program (TSP) offers students the opportunity to engage in an elite sports program. The program is offered across 15 sports and enables students with the opportunity to receive specialised, elite coaching in their given sport, along with the opportunity to compete for the school and hold representative duties beyond school level. Students participate in a rigorous three-tiered application process to gain selection into the program. The school has strong partnerships with the University of Sydney and Australian College of Physical Education (ACPE), along with holding the status of a high-performance school in partnership with Baseball NSW and Cricket NSW.

The school also prides itself on strong and effective student wellbeing structures, with an outstanding Positive Behaviour For Learning (PBL) program. Our wellbeing team is comprised of the Principal, Deputy Principals, Head Teachers, Year Advisors, Learning Support Staff, and the school Counsellor to work strategically to ensure that every student is known, valued, and cared for. 

With outstanding facilities including a fitness centre including strength and conditioning facilities, two gymnasiums, swimming centre, cricket training nets,  synthetic football pitch, hospitality trade kitchen and STEM room, the school is able build upon the outstanding opportunities it provides students.  

I am extremely proud to be the Principal at The Hills Sports High School and I am certain that your child will not only receive an outstanding education, but also a wide range of opportunities that foster happiness and success. 

Amanda De Carli
