Welcome to the information and resources page for Stage 6 (Year 11 and Year 12) subject selections at The Hills Sports High School. All relevant resources for students can be accessed from this page.
The first step of this process is to inform yourself about factors that need to be considered when choosing subjects. Further steps and resources for subject selections are accessible after the video links on this page.
Subject Selection Processes
This booklet contains a description and other relevant information about all the subjects that are initially offered at The Hills Sports High School.
This form is used to guage interest in what students are wishing to study for their HSC
(This survey needs to be submitted by Friday 31st May 3pm).
Interviews will be conducted on Friday the 14th of June.
You will be emailed your booking time by the Friday the 31st May
Studying for the NSW HSC begins in Year 11 with preliminary courses and ends with the HSC exams at the end of Year 12. Your Year 12 assessment marks and your HSC exam marks will contribute equally to your final HSC marks.
To be eligible for the HSC you need to meet the following requirements:
- complete at least 12 units of preliminary courses in Year 11
- complete at least 10 units of courses in Year 12. In each year your studies must include:
- 6 units of Board Developed courses
- 2 units of a Board Developed course in English
- 3 courses of 2 or more units (either Board Developed or Board Endorsed courses)
- 4 subject areas.
Being eligible for the HSC doesn’t necessarily mean you will be eligible for an ATAR: read the next section for ATAR eligibility requirements.
HSC courses
There are many HSC courses but not all of them can contribute to an ATAR.
ATAR courses are HSC courses developed and formally examined by NESA. Also known as Board Developed courses, these are the only courses that can be included in ATAR calculations.
If the content of a course is endorsed – but not developed – by NESA, it will count towards your HSC but it will not contribute to your ATAR.
The NESA (New South Wales Education Authority) website has a range of resources available to support students with their choices. In particular the syllabus for each subject is available on this site.
Click here to access the NESA website.
The first thing to understand is that the ATAR is a rank, not a mark out of 100 or a percentage. It’s a number between 0.00 and 99.95 with increments of 0.05. It tells you about your position overall in the HSC in relation to your peers.
Think of it like a running race: your HSC marks indicate your time, while your ATAR indicates your place (first, second, third, and so on). Your position in the race depends not only on your time but on the times of the students you are competing with.
The median (or middle) ATAR is usually just below 70.00, while median HSC marks are often above 80.
You’ll get your ATAR around the same time you get your HSC results.
To be eligible for an ATAR, NSW students must satisfactorily complete at least 10 units of
ATAR courses.
In 2025, these ATAR courses must include:
- 10 units of Board Developed courses
- 2 units of English
- three Board Developed courses of 2 units or greater
- four subject areas.
UAC Steps to Uni for Year 10 Students (2023 edition)
UAC tip sheet
American College
The school is also equipped to support students who are considering American College as a potential post school pathway. Staff at the school are trained to guide students with their subject choices and schooling through Stage 6 to support this pathway. Please conatct the Director of Sport for more information.
Further information and resources
Introductory Video (This video will outline the presentations available in this suite)
What is the HSC? (This video will outline the award of the HSC and it's place in a student's overall pattern of study)
What types of HSC subjects can be studied? (This video explains unit values and the difference between Board Developed and Board Endorsed courses)
What if I want an ATAR? (This video addresses the factors that need to be considered if a student would like an ATAR calculated at the end of their HSC studies)
If you have any questions during the subject selection process please do not hesitate to contact the school on 96227300 and ask to speak to the Year 10 Adviser for any clarification.
We look forward to supporting your child through the final stage of their high school journey.