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The Hills Sports High School

The Hills Sports High School

Strive for success

Telephone02 9622 7300


  • TAFE and other Registered Training Organisations offer EVET/TVET courses for students to undertake as part of their Year 11 &/or 12 studies. These are known as TAFE or Externally Delivered Vocational Education and Training (EVET or TVET). ​

  • Applications for EVET/TVET opens 29th July and closes 13th September. ​

  • Students must still select the same number of school delivered courses in case they do not receive an offer to their desired EVET/TVET course. 

Click here to access the TVET guide for 2025

School Based Apprenticeships or Traineeships (SBAT)

  • Combination of school with APPROVED employment and training. ​All information about the SBAT program can be found here.

  • Can replace 1-2 school delivered courses upon approval.​

  • Usually recommended for HSC only (non ATAR) pathways.​

  • Must be commenced in Year 10 or start of Year 11 only.​

  • Applications to Establish open now. Step 1 to start your application for an SBAT is to complete an Application to Establish form and submit to the Careers Adviser.