The Hills Sports High School

Strive for success

Telephone02 9622 7300

Talented Sport Program Applications

Open Night 2025

Information for the Talented Sports Program (TSP)

Trials for the Talented Sport Program (TSP) are available throughout the year for those students currently in High School. To be considered for a position you must complete an application form available below.

Applications for Year 7, 2026 are NOW OPEN and additional trials will be scheduled later in the year if time permits and regulations allow.

Both an on-field trial and a committment to learning review will help to determine if your child is offered a position.

If you require any further information please call the School office between 8.15am and 3:15pm. The school is currently taking applications for all sports.

Please find attached The Hills Sports High School Talented Sports Program Prospectus:

The Hills Sports High School Prospectus 2025/2026

Please find attached the Talented Sports Program Application form for 2026:

Talented Sport Program (TSP) Application Form

Payment of Application Fee


Further enquiries: Luke Jorgensen - Relieving Director of Sport


Exciting new partnership begins!!

New partnership with ACPE

In partnership with the NSW Sports High Schools Association, The Hills Sports HS and ACPE (the Australian College of Physical Education) have entered into a multi-year agreement which aims to deliver new initiatives that support the overall development of our students and provide a clear pathway to Higher Education. To read more about this exciting partnership and ACPE’s new learning resource called ‘The ACPE Education Hub’, please click here:

The HillsSports High School partners with Australian Olympic Committee

NSW Education Minister Sarah Mitchell MLC and NSW Sports Minister Alister Henskens SC, MLA with Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) Chief Executive Matt Carroll, jointly announced the partnership, aimed at boosting opportunities for talented NSW athletes to progress their sporting and academic careers.

AOC Chif Executive Officer Matt Carroll says the Australian Olympic Pathway Schools designation is an important recognition of the value of the Sports High Schools network in NSW.

“The key to sporting excellence is to align participation, pathways and high performance into the virtuous circle. To have this alignment at high school level is powerful, particularly as we look to Brisbane 2032 and beyond.

“The Australian Olympic Pathway Schools designation provides an additional motivation and validates the specialisation being undertaken within each Sports High School.

It also strengths the schools relationship with NSW Institute of Sport which already provides professional learning for coaches, along with key advice and recommendations for athlete development, including specific program design.


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