The Hills Sports High School

Strive for success

Telephone02 9622 7300

About our school

The Hills Sports High School educates both local students and Talented Sports students and takes pride in providing meaningful educational opportunities by:

·         promoting excellence in teaching, leading and learning;

·         aspiring to high level academic and sporting achievement;

·         maintaining a diverse, relevant and challenging curriculum;

·         ensuring a connection to a safe, caring and pleasant learning environment, and;

·         enhancing a shared relationship with family & community.

The Hills Sports High School (THSHS) is a comprehensive coeducational Years 7-12 school with an elite sporting stream and a total enrolment of approximately 900 students, 7% from Aboriginal background and 4% require some level of EALD (English as an additional dialect) support. The school, located in Sydney's North Western Area at Seven Hills, caters for both local students and those enrolled in the Talented Sports Program (TSP). It is committed to a learning culture that values academic and sporting excellence. A support unit caters for a total of 56 students. Extensive partnerships exist with community organisations and associations.

The Hills Sports High School is one of seven specialist high schools in NSW.  A highly competitive three tiered application process for talented sports students is used to select potential students to the school as demand for limited positions is high.

The school has a professional staff, consisting of teachers, sporting coaches and administration personnel focussed on quality teaching and the use of technology to support academic, sporting and cultural aspirations of students. The school implements the "Positive Behaviour for Learning" (PBL) program promoting the core values of Safety, Tolerance, Achievement and Respect (STAR).

The staff at The Hills Sports High School are dedicated, highly trained and committed towards creating a quality learning environment. Quality education is balanced with the provision of extra curricula activities. The staff is made up of a mixture of experienced and newer teachers who all contribute towards the success of the academic, social, cultural and sporting curriculum offered at The Hills Sports High School.

Committees and teams operate in the school such as Literacy Is For Everyone (LIFE), Focus on Numeracy (FoN), Aboriginal Education, PBL, Learning Support Team and Wellbeing Team. These committees evaluate progress on their programs and initiatives and continually strive for success in individual student progress.

The school is committed to continually improving effective classroom and teaching practices with high impact professional learning for staff with a particular focus on formative assessment, differentiation and meaningful feedback. This learning will ensure that both literacy and numeracy levels can be enhanced through improved data collection, analysis and use which underpins our belief in individualised and differentiated learning.

The Talented Sports Program (TSP) is designed to offer elite coaching and a comprehensive secondary curriculum enabling them to reach both their academic and sporting potential in a caring environment. Classes are also formed for students with particular talent in their academic subjects where extension work is covered by highly competent teaching staff. Entrance to these classes in Year 7 is based on reports from primary school whilst in the other years it is based on results achieved at this school or as provided in reports from other high schools. A highly successful support unit forms another part of the school in which a comprehensive education program is provided for students with an intellectual disability.